Get Ready For Winter Campaign kicks off

Northern Constabulary is this weekend taking part in the national, ACPOS-led Get Ready For Winter Campaign.

The awareness raising weekend begins concludes on Halloween (31 October 2011).

Police in the Highlands and Islands are encouraging all road users to make use of all resources available to them this winter, including the excellent Traffic Scotland website, which is full of up to date roads information –

Officers also want to encourage members of the public to listen to radio, watch TV broadcasts and keep up with the latest information running on Northern Constabulary’s Twitter and Facebook pages – and

One of the key messages Police want to get across this winter is for people to change their driver behaviour to that which is appropriate for winter driving.

Head of the Force’s Roads Policing Unit, Inspector Derek Paterson, said: “We are now in the winter months and people should prepare themselves for conditions on the roads to worsen.

“They should ensure their tyres have sufficient tread, that their screen wash is topped up and that their battery is in full working order.”

He added: “One of the common mistakes drivers make is to continue to drive the way they have done the rest of the year and we would encourage people to drive according the conditions.

“There are countless resources available to keep up to date with the conditions, including the Traffic Scotland website and the Force’s own Facebook and Twitter feeds, as well as the Force website.”

Winter further highlights the importance and necessity of having an up to date MOT certificate to ensure your vehicle is in the best possible condition during inclement weather conditions.


28 Oct 2011