Sports leaders get set go at Grantown Grammar

Grantown Grammar school pupils have been busy working on their leadership skills and volunteering.

Nine pupils who achieved their level 1 sports leadership course and worked with younger children during an activity programme were tutored by Fraser Tulloch of Craig Maclean Leisure. Six ‘Women Get Set Go’ participants worked mainly through dance to develop confidence and leadership qualities by Debbie Mackenzie during the summer.

These courses were made possible due to a young persons fund from the Lottery and have been organised through The Highland Council’s Active Schools programme.

As an extension to the very successful sports leaders programme, the Council is  developing a Young Ambassador programme. This initiative has been piloted in Nairn and it will be these Young Ambassadors who will lead and support a conference along with a team of Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

The plan is to have two Pupil Ambassadors from each secondary school who gain the skills to lead assemblies, mentor other young people and get more young people participating in sport and physical activity.  The aim is to look forward and promote the Olympic values of respect, friendship, personal excellence, courage, determination, inspiration and quality.

In addition, several pupils are also participating in a “Young Highlander Award” which has received regional recognition and is supported by MSP’s and Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP.  The Award recognises and appreciates young volunteers and encourages them to continue volunteering in the future.

Dawn Horsburgh, Highland Council’s Active Schools coordinator for the Grantown cluster said: “Our Active Schools Programme needs young peoples’ contribution, whether it’s in administrating, assisting, delivery, as committee members, or fundraisers…there are many roles that help to get pupils active.  We are looking for people of all ages to get involved, and can provide support and training where required.  Anyone interested in finding out more, doing any courses, awards or volunteering can contact me on 01479 870 281.”

The latest achievers were:

23 Sep 2011