Disruption to Council email service

The Highland Council has assured the public that it is doing everything it can to restore its email service, which has been disrupted for the past three working days due to a technical fault.
The Council is working closely with the ICT provider Fujitsu to reinstate a service, which impacts on 4,500 Council users.
The fault affects outgoing and incoming emails.
Councillor Carolyn Wilson, Chairman of the Council's Resources Committee, apologised to the public for the disruption to service and gave an assurance that the Council was exerting the maximum pressure on ICT provider, Fujitsu to fix the problem.
She said: "We are very concerned at the breakdown in the email service, which impacts significantly on all our Council services.  It is another disappointment in the delivery of the ICT Contract and a further example of  under-performance by Fujitsu.  We have a service level agreement with Fujitsu governing our ICT service and will be imposing penalties on the company for their failure to timeously fix the problem, now in its third day.

“We have impressed upon Fujitsu our deep disappointment at the loss of this essential service and are seeking assurances they will do everything possible to ensure that this will not happen again.”


8 Sep 2011