Council response to reform of police and fire services in Scotland

The Highland Council is to constructively engage with the Scottish Government as a matter of urgency to ensure that a single police service and a single fire service in Scotland reflects the distinctive needs of the Highlands. 

Councillors are eager to protect staffing levels in local communities. They will actively consult on the specifics and not just the general principles of national policing and fire models; highlight the concerns and vulnerabilities that exist in the shift towards a single police and a single fire service; and underpin the importance of local accountability and decision-making. 

The Council has agreed to liaise with other local councils in the Islands to prepare a detailed submission to the Scottish Government. 

Councillor Michael Foxley, Leader of the Council Administration, said: “We would have preferred the Scottish Government to have chosen a regional model for the future delivery or police and fire services. However, we must move on and engage with the Government to ensure we secure the best deal for Highland communities. 

“We are very proud of our police and fire force in the Highlands and recognise the service they provide in keeping our local communities safe.  There are serious issues and serious concerns about retaining the current level of local service and accountability into the future.  We must avoid the serious problems the Highlands experience as the result of the centralised ambulance service. We must work together to ensure we retain an effective police and fire service in the Highlands.” 

He said it would be essential to have an appropriately ranked officer for Highland, who had the necessary experience and was able to make decisions and provide the necessary strategic leadership, with delegated authority without referring back to force headquarters.

A report, considered by the Council, highlighted some of the issues, which included:-

8 Sep 2011