Northern Community Justice Authority publishes its fourth MAPPA Annual Report 2010-11

The Northern Community Justice Authority (NCJA) has today published its fourth detailed annual report which outlines how agencies effectively work together to minimise the risk to the public of sex offenders in the community.

The fundamental purpose of MAPPA is public protection and the reduction of serious harm. Offenders eligible for MAPPA are identified and information is gathered and shared about them across relevant agencies. The nature and level of the risk of harm they pose is assessed and a risk management plan is implemented to protect members of the public.

Chair of the Highlands and Islands Management Group (MAPPA) Detective Chief Inspector Kenny Anderson said: "The report highlights the arrangements and measures which are in place for working across agencies and boundaries, sharing information to identify, assess and manage the risks posed by offenders. We hope that the public will be reassured by the transparency of reporting on the significant work undertaken to protect communities.

“The management of offenders is a very complex and challenging area. Risk can never fully be eliminated, however MAPPA provides a framework within which all our agencies can work together to reduce the risks and protect the public.

"Northern Constabulary and Grampian Police in tandem with partner agencies take a proactive view towards the management of sexual offenders and maximise the use of existing legislation to ensure the greatest possible levels of public protection.

“It is also important to focus on victims as well as offenders. In all cases, previous and potential victims are identified within an offender’s Risk Management Plan and counter measures are taken by the responsible authorities to ensure victim safety. Victim’s views and feelings are regularly shared with the MAPPA group. Frequently extra conditions are added to post release licences to prohibit the offender from making any contact with victims, or even from going into specific areas where victims work or live.”

Detective Chief Inspector Anderson added: “Child protection is a top priority for all of us. A key achievement of the past year has been the roll out of the Community Disclosure Scheme which gives parents, carers and guardians the right to ask if a sex offender has access to their children.”

9 Sep 2011