Youth Award Successes

Pupils from St Duthus School in Tain have been taking part in a music project with Feis Rois which saw them developing new skills.  In addition the group decided to work towards a Dynamic Youth Award.

Dynamic Youth Awards, along with Youth Achievement Awards, enable young people to measure their own and others’ achievements and are accredited through ASDAN.  Young people gather evidence to demonstrate their new skills and understanding which is peer assessed.

Janice Maclellan, teacher at the school said: “The pupils really enjoyed taking part in the music project itself, and gathering the evidence for the award has resulted in a lovely booklet for them to keep. Receiving the Dynamic Youth Awards on top of this was the icing on the cake, and everybody is feeling very proud of their achievements. We are planning to continue on to a second award”.

Bronze and Silver Youth Achievement Awards have also been granted to 29 young people working with The Calman Trust, Mashed Youth Project, as well as with Youth Services staff in Alness and Ullapool.  These young people had taken part in a series of at least 15 hour “challenges” which included activities such as life skill workshops, felt making and outdoor challenges.  All the young people were commended for the standard of their evidence gathering and presentation of their portfolios.

Anyone interested in knowing more about Dynamic Youth Awards or Youth Achievement Awards should contact Rebecca Raynes, Youth Services Strategy Officer on  01463 663823 or



12 Sep 2011