Business Gateway set to attend Black Isle Gathering for the first time

Entrepreneurs from across Ross and Cromarty will be able to tap into the knowledge of an Internet wizard and a business expert when Business Gateway takes a stall at this year’s Black Isle Gathering and A Grand Day Out which is being part financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community Highland LEADER 2007-2013 Programme with support from The Highland Council.

It is the first time that the local office of Scotland’s national business advisory service will be present at the gathering which takes place on Saturday September 24th at Fortrose Academy.

Throughout the event, which runs from 11am – 3pm, Business Gateway will run free ‘Internet Clinics’ lead by local online expert Maarten de Vries. The Highlands’ Internet guru will show businesses how to get the most from the Internet.

Meanwhile Kenny MacKay, Business Gateway’s local business expert, will also be on hand to answers any questions new and existing business owners have about setting up and growing their enterprises.

Kenny MacKay, Regional Development Officer, Business Gateway said: “The Black Isle Gathering is a key date in the local community calendar which brings together many of the thriving businesses located in the area. Taking a stand at the event allows us to speak face-to-face with a wide variety of people and hopefully we will inspire some to take the plunge and set up a business while highlighting to others just how we can help their companies flourish.

“We’re also grateful to Maarten for agreeing to run the ‘Internet Clinics’. Being online can give a business the boost it needs to succeed, however it takes more than just having a website to truly reap the benefits of the Internet. Maarten will be able to provide free guidance on how local entrepreneurs can maximise their web presence, and will also be happy to answer more general questions about the Internet.”

Business Gateway provides practical help, advice and support for new and growing businesses.

To find out more about how Business Gateway can help you set up and develop your own business as well as find out when and where workshops are taking place, visit or call 0845 609 6611. Alternatively call your local Business Gateway office directly on 01349 880664.


12 Sep 2011