Gaelic story telling and information on bilingual education in Lochaber

Leugh sa Ghàidhlig

A Gaelic story-telling session for under 5’s will take place in Fort William Library at 10.30am on Tuesday 27th September. A display providing information to parents on Bilingual Education will also be present in the library commencing on the 26th September. A similar event will take place in Caol which will include a story-telling session on Monday 3rd October at 2.30pm.

The information display and further Gaelic story-telling sessions will take place in the Sunart Centre library on Tuesday 1st November at 10.30 and the following week in Mallaig.

Councillor Brian Murphy said: “This is a great opportunity for families with young children to pop in and see the displays and find out more about the positive benefits of bilingualism through Gaelic Medium Education. I hope parents will take the opportunity to visit and participate in these informal events. These events are aligned with the outcomes in the draft Gaelic Plan which is currently being developed. A public meeting is scheduled to take place in Fort William on October 28th to discuss the Plan.”

For further information please contact Margaret Mulholland (Community Learning and Development Officer (Gaelic) at 01463 724278 or

20 Sep 2011