Archive Centre hosts symposium for Highland Archaeology Festival

Speakers from four partnership organisations will be talking at a Symposium during Highland Archaeology Festival on how archives can assist archaeology.

Organised by The Highland Council, Workers’ Educational Association (Scotland), The Waterways Trust Scotland, and Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands, the one-day symposium is on Monday 10 October from 10am to 4pm at the Highland Archive Centre in Bught Park, Inverness.

Titled, “The Stone Tape – A Storehouse of Memory” the programme of events includes a mid-day tour of the Archive Centre with Highland Council’s Archivist Susan Beckley and a programme of speakers including:

• Highland author and columnist, Jim Miller exploring “Medieval Inverness”;

• Stephen Wiseman, Caledonian Canal, Heritage Officer, The Caledonian Canal asking participants - “The Caledonian Canal – Can you dig it?”;

• Archaeologist Stuart Farrell looking at Past and future research of Highland Graveyards;

• Janet Baker, Highland Council’s Archive Service Education and Outreach Coordinator talking about the theme of the day - “Archives and Archaeology”;

• Susan Kruse, Project Officer, Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands presenting “Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands - Satisfying the Thirst for Learning”; and

• A debate chaired by Sue Mitchell, Highland Area Tutor Organiser for the Workers’ Educational Association (Scotland) on “Is Heritage a Luxury in the Current Economic Climate?”

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “When you think of archaeology the image that conjures in most peoples’ minds is of the student down on their knees digging in the earth patiently with a trowel. Archives also provide a huge wealth and store of material that is often invaluable to the archaeologist in providing both geographical and social context to the researcher in more recent archaeological times.

“A great example of this was when last year our archivists unearthed a fascinating insight into the Battle of Culloden, in the Inverness Presbytery Minutes of 1739 - 1751 when 1000 volumes of Church of Scotland archives were transferred from the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh to the Highland Archive Centre.”

He added: “The symposium will be a great opportunity for people with an interest in local history and archaeology to expand their knowledge and research skills by learning about what the Highland Archive Centre has to offer in support of their interests.”

The programme of events will end with a display of materials in the archive centre for all to view. To book a place or for further enquiries please telephone: 01463 256444 or email:

26 Sep 2011