Street lighting pilot extended

Trials to save energy on street lighting are to be extended over the winter months in a number of Highland communities.

Over the summer, The Highland Council has trialled the dimming of lights between midnight and 6am; a switch off of lights between midnight and 6 am; and a switch off of every second lighting column. 

The  Transport Environmental Community Services Committee heard there have been no instances of increased crime and increased road accidents in the trial areas. A small number of complaints have been received in Dunvegan and Kinlochleven, where lights have been switched off overnight and at Banavie and Strontian, where alternate lights have been switched off. 

It was agreed that the trials be continued until 31 March, next year, when an evaluation would be made of the energy saving measures and a report taken back to the TEC Services Committee.

Trials would be suspended if the police raised concerns in relation to public safety and road safety. 

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of TEC Services, said: “We know from our budget consultation that the public want us to save money on street lighting.  We will be in a good position next spring to assess the various trials and decide the best way forward for our communities.” 


26 Sep 2011