£240 000 Investment For Ness Islands Enhancement

Inverness City Partnership has taken a major step towards the conservation and improvement of the Ness Islands with proposals for remedial work and enhancement, which will get underway next month.

The plans include tree management work to fell and thin some 6% of mature trees and 26% of smaller trees which are dead, damaged or causing other risks. This falls well within normal woodland management levels over a 10-20 year cycle.

In addition, the plans suggest additional lighting, removal of broken and mismatched signs, benches and bins, and undertaking remedial work to the bridges and footpaths, which are currently being assessed separately be engineers.

Among the suggestions is a series of commissions from artists and craftsmen who will sculpt new features in wood, natural stone and metal. Following a selection process, four artists have been short listed to create seating, bridge balustrades, a new landscaped meeting area and three gateway entrance features. Information on the history and natural features of the Islands will be developed and made available through leaflets and websites and an educational activity ‘story sack’ created for use by rangers, schools and other groups.

The overall costs are estimated as £240,000 and a funding package is being assembled to allow the phased introduction of work to start next month. The majority of the work will be completed in time for community events to be held in 2007.

Plans for the regeneration programme were considered today (Monday) by The Highland Council’s City of Inverness and Area Committee.

Provost William Smith said: "These proposals have arisen out of the Inverness City Vision and follow-up reports that identified a series of potential improvements to maximise the appeal of the riverside and provide effective management of the city’s trees. The Ness Islands is a very special green space in the heart of the city centre; these improvements are important to maintain this wonderful and natural leisure area for current users and future generations."

Marie Mackintosh, city partnership officer, explained: "I consider it a sound investment to preserve and enhance one of our greatest green assets. The funding package is being pulled together from sources external to the Council including City Vision funds, Inverness, Nairn Badenoch & Strathspey Enterprise, and Inverness City Heritage Trust. Discussions are also taking place with Scottish Natural Heritage and Highland 2007. I think people will be pleasantly surprised with the results."

The proposals arise from extensive consultation with the users of the Islands and local groups. Over 3 weeks in late 2005, interviews were held with users on the Islands and local groups; others contributed through a self-completion questionnaire available at local and city-centre venues. A workshop was also held with groups from two local primary schools. The research was undertaken by Sue Pirnie, of Pirnie Limited, who commented, "There was a terrific interest, helped along by coverage by local and national media. All of those who contributed provided a great deal of useful information and ideas for which we are very grateful – we found that the Ness islands are a highly valued green oasis within Inverness and users share with us a commitment to protect their natural qualities".

Proposals for the Islands, including the artist’s design drawings, will be on display as part of a wider exhibition of riverside development plans at the Inverness City Partnership Offices in March.


11 Apr 2006