SQA results in Highland 2012 - delight at top grades

Highland pupils are celebrating a sharp increase in the number of candidates gaining top grades in this year’s Higher exams. A total of 71 pupils achieved 5 A passes at Higher compared to 47 and 49 respectively in the two previous years. 

Soon to retire Culloden Academy rector Stephen Dowds signed off with 9 students gaining 5 A passes.  ‘There are magnificent results, ‘he said, ‘and testimony to the hard work of Culloden Academy students and their teachers.  I am absolutely delighted.’

Overall, 344 pupils passed 5 Highers in one sitting in S5, up from 322 the previous year.

In S6, the number achieving Advanced Higher was broadly in line with last year.   However, there were notable successes at Fortrose Academy where  52 pupils passed at least one Advanced Higher and at Dornoch Academy where one student gained a Distinction in the Languages Baccalaureate – a new qualification – with an A in the Interdisciplinary Project,  an A (Band 1) in Advanced Higher French; B in  both Advanced Higher English and German.  In addition, she had added Higher Latin in which she gained an A (Band 1) in one year of study from no previous background.

At Millburn Academy three students passed 3 Advanced Highers at A pass and one pupil went one further and achieved 4 Advanced Highers, all at A pass.

S4 results were also broadly in line with recent years but, again, there are notable results.  At Grantown Grammar School, the number of pupils passing 5 subjects at the highest grades rose by 20%. 

However, the outstanding candidate in S4 is Mallaig pupil Solène Cargill who passed one Higher with an A pass last year while in S3 and went on this year to add four further Highers all at A pass.

At Millburn Academy, one pupil achieved an A pass at Higher Maths despite being in S3 and coping with significant health problems.

Director of Education, Culture and Sport, Hugh Fraser said:  “It is hugely satisfying to see consistently good results year on year and such fine individual performances. I congratulate them all.”

Chairman of the Adult and Children’s Service, Alasdair Christie  echoed these words and added:  “It is immensely pleasing  to see the hard work of young people, their teachers, the parents and carers who support young people  through their exam years so clearly recognised in these fine results. Well done to all.”

7 Aug 2012