Caithness Heat And Power (CHaP)

Work on the pioneering £4 million Community Heating scheme in Pulteneytown, Wick,  is due to start in the next few weeks.

And to let the public know what this means for them, Caithness Heat & Power (CHaP), the community company promoting the innovative scheme,  is holding an open day at South Primary School on Saturday 18th February, between 11 am and 5 p.m. This is an opportunity to ask questions about the system.

Everyone from Pulteneytown is invited to drop in any time during the session. Representatives from CHaP, The Highland Council and the contractors installing the under-road pipe network and the heating systems within the houses will be available to answer questions. The house fittings can be seen at the PPP flats in Murchison Street.

To recognise interest in the scheme, CHaP will have two free prize draws, one for the tenants who answered an initial questionnaire last year and one for those who have had their houses surveyed. The prize in each section is £100.

Councillor Graeme Smith, a Director of CHaP, said: "The project is the first of its type in Scotland  and CHaP are proud to have brought the idea to an area of Caithness where ever rising fuel prices are a real issue. The people of Pulteneytown have a chance to take part in an exciting development which should save them money and contribute to a reduction of fossil fuel carbon emissions."


11 Apr 2006