Flood alleviation, River Ness upstream of Ness Bridge

A Planning application was submitted for this section in 2009, but withdrawn due to the level of unresolved objections. While the flood alleviation scheme for this section of the river is still being considered, there are no immediate plans to re-submit a planning application, and the proposals would be subject to public consultation.

The flood protection scheme for the downstream section (downstream of the Ness Bridge), which will alleviate the threat of tidal flooding to 795 residential properties and 188 non residential properties has already received planning approval, and a Flood Prevention Order, and the Scottish Government has confirmed that they will provide grant funding up to 80% of the eligible costs.

The Inverness City Committee will be asked to approve the plans for the Streetscaping works on Huntly Street, Douglas Row and Bank Street, as part of the flood scheme, to provide significant enhancements to this important part of the city at its meeting on 13 August 2012.

8 Aug 2012