Highland pupils return to school 14 and 15 August

Over 31,000 pupils go back to school in the Highlands next week as Primary schools re-open on Tuesday 14 August and Secondary schools the following day on Wednesday 15 August.

Some pupils will be returning to brand new schools such as the £11.9 million Aviemore Primary School and Community Centre and the £3.2 million environmentally sustainable new primary school at Lochaline, in Morvern.

The new school facilities at Aviemore include 10 primary classrooms, two general purpose classrooms and a resources area; wrap around nursery unit and childcare facilities; sports hall; kitchen and dining facilities; additional support for learning facilities; biomass boiler and a fenced sports pitch. It also features a range of community facilities including a community library, service point, meeting room, fitness suite, sports changing facilities and two multi-purpose activity rooms.

At Lochaline Primary the new school has been designed to a high sustainability standard and features a biomass boiler. It comprises two classrooms, resources area, community room and new kitchen. The nursery unit has been upgraded and the existing school hall converted into a dining/gym hall. A floodlit MUGA (multi use games area) is being provided also in the grounds.

Pupils at Plockton High School are also returning to their school which now has a significant £3 million extension to the school. The extension provides a new dining hall, better access to classrooms, new biomass heating system, new home economics classroom and the conversion of the existing home economics room into a computer suite.

Other pupils will benefit from major projects which are ongoing, including:

In Aviemore and Inverness, a pilot project to introduce Cashless Catering for school lunches will enable pupils to pre-order their menu choice via classroom smartboards in two schools. From Wednesday 15 August, pupils at the new Aviemore Primary School will be able to make their school lunch choices via smartboard and from Friday 14 September the same scheme technique will be introduced at Merkinch Primary School.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Adult and Children’s Services Committee, Councillor Alasdair Christie said: “These are exciting times for all those involved with Education in the Highlands, we have recently seen excellent results in the SQA exams and with our commitment to continue the ongoing improvements to the infrastructure and teaching and learning environment we have much to look forward to. I am confident that all our young folk will benefit from these developments and will be best placed to meet their goals.”

10 Aug 2012