Black Isle Ward Forum to focus on Kessock Bridge roadworks

The next Black Isle Ward Forum will take place on Thursday 23 August in Culbokie Primary School beginning at 6.00 pm.

The main topic is Kessock Bridge Major Maintenance.  Speakers will include Calum Galloway, Scotland TranServ Bridges Manager, Stuart Suttie, Scotland TranServ Bridges Engineer,  Cathel Macaskill, Scotland TranServ Customer Service Manager and Neil Gillies, The Highland Council’s Director of Transport, Environmental & Community Services (TECS).

Councillor Isobel McCallum who will Chair the Forum said:  “This will be an opportunity for Scotland TranServ  to share with the Black Isle Ward Forum and members of the public the nature and extent of the refurbishment works, duration, and likely impact on the community.”  

Cathel Macaskill, TranServ said: “Areas we will be highlighting are that we have been working closely with The Highland Council, TECS over the last two years on the proposed technical mitigation measures which will be introduced prior to the start of the works. We will also be sharing with the Forum the likely outcome of no change in car occupancy and discussing with them the work we are carrying out within the wider Highland area to encourage home/flexible working, car sharing, staggered working hours and the use of public transport.   Over the last year particularly we have been working with emergency services and public transport providers on services which fit the needs of the users.”

The Black Isle Councillors would like to invite members of the public to come along to the Forum on Thursday 23 August and hear at first hand from Scotland TranServ and the Highland Council’s Director of TECS the programme of roadworks which will be carried out in two main phases between February 2013 and June 2014. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the measures being considered to minimise disruption, including:

• Increased capacity on train services to and from Inverness
• Possibility of Conon Railway Station Re-opening
• Temporary additional parking to facilitate park and ride at local train stations
• Increased bus capacity (if required on pressurised routes)
• A dedicated bus/HGV lane on the A9 from Tore to North Kessock
• Ferry companies will text passengers with details of any delays approaching harbours

There will also be a number of A82 Roadwork Improvements carried out prior to the main resurfacing contract to help assist traffic flows at peak times during the works.  Including signalisation of Longman Roundabourt; Henderson Road Junction and Rose Street Roundabout.


15 Aug 2012