Highland Council winter road condition reports

The Highland Council has published its snow clearing / gritting route policy and area maps online for 2012/13 at http://www.highland.gov.uk/gritting.htm.

Road condition and gritting treatment reports by The Highland Council’s, Transport, Environmental and Community Services for the morning of Tuesday, 4 December 2012 are as follows:

All priority 1 and 2 routes were treated last night. Overnight rainfall after treatment removed most salt and has resulted in widespead ice formation.  All routes are being treated in priority order. Hand treatment squads have been deployed to treat footways.  Posted: 04/12/2012 09:40

Badenoch and Strathpey
Light covering of snow on high ground, black ice affecting most of the area. Treating by priority.  Posted: 04/12/2012 09:40

Skye and Lochalsh
All priority one routes were pre-gritted last night. Heavy rainfall during night turning to ice. All gritters out from 6am attending to widespread black ice conditions. Posted: 04/12/2012 09:32

Sutherland and East Ross 
Almost all gritters currently treating routes, wintery showers with snow lying at higher levels. Posted: 04/12/2012 08:30

Nairn Area
Roads wet, no action required. Posted: 04/12/2012 08:18

Caithness and North Sutherland
4" to 5" wet snow reported on parts of the high ground in North Sutherland, west Sutherland mainly clear with wet roads, Caithness roads mainly wet with slushy deposits away from coast, no problems reported and all routes treated as necessary. Posted: 04/12/2012 07:58

Gritting as required all high level roads to south and west of Inverness. Posted: 04/12/2012 06:37

4 Dec 2012