Highland Council winter road condition reports.

Road condition and gritting treatment reports by The Highland Council’s, Transport, Environmental and Community Services for the morning of Wednesday 5 December 2012 are as follows:

Skye and Lochalsh
1 - 2" snow cover on ice, treating will be ongoing throughout the day. Posted: 05/12/2012 10:06

Lochaber Area
All planned routes treated. Widespread ice formations. Treatment continues working down through priority levels. Posted: 05/12/2012 10:00

Ross and Cromarty
2"- 3" snow over Applecross Beallach with 2' snow drifting soft snow. Clearing satisfactory. Achiltibuie - Drumrunie frozen snow on ice not clearing due to low temps. Posted: 05/12/2012 09:03

All pre-grit route treated last night. Fresh fall of snow overnight. Approx 1" of snow throughout the area on top of ice. Snow coming off well on main routes following pre-grit. Still showers of snow falling mainly in the west. Posted: 05/12/2012 07:48

Caithness and North Sutherland 
Caithness high routes with a covering up to 1" snow on them. Some showers on lower routes have produced hard packed covering. Treatment ongoing by priority.
2" snow on high routes in North Sutherland. Icy conditions on all routes, treatment ongoing. Posted: 05/12/2012 09:02

Badenoch and Strathspey
1-2" of fresh snow over most of the area. 3-4" snow and some drifting reported on the A939 Bridge of Brown Road. Treating all routes by priority. Posted: 05/12/2012 08:52

Sutherland and East Ross 
All routes affected by snowfall with up to 4" on higher routes. Treatment ongoing in order of priority. Posted: 05/12/2012 08:31

1 to 2" of snow on higher roads, ice on lower roads, treating all by priority. Posted: 05/12/2012 08:10

Dusting of snow on all roads. Slight sparkle on town roads. All routes being treated by priority. Posted: 05/12/2012 06:41

The Highland Council’s snow clearing / gritting route policies and area maps are online for 2012/13 at http://www.highland.gov.uk/gritting.htm.

5 Dec 2012