Local wildlife and environment group plans showcase evening.

The Inverness and Nairn Biodiversity Group are inviting local people with an interest in wildlife and taking action to conserve it, to join them on Wednesday 12 December (7pm - 9.30pm) at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness for an opportunity to find out more about local biodiversity projects taking place in Inverness and Nairn and how they can get involved in them.

The informal and free evening event will include short presentations from local groups and national initiatives including the Merkinch Local Nature Reserve, Abriachan Forest Trust, Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust, Inverness Non-native Plants Species Project, Caledonian Canal Environment & Heritage Project and others.  Refreshments will be served. 

The event is free to attend but booking is necessary by email at Monika@rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk. The event starts at 7.00pm. 

Jonathan Willet, Highland Council's Biodiversity Officer said: “Continuing on from the success of last year’s event we hope that it will prove to be another great opportunity for local people to find out about what is happening locally for their biodiversity and how they could become involved in helping to restore and protect their local environment.  Everyone is welcome to come along and find out more."


7 Dec 2012