Highland educators Lead On

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Around 65 staff in The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service have recently completed a training programme aimed at encouraging generic leadership skills.

Hugh Fraser, Highland Council’s Director of Education, Culture and Sport Service welcomed participants to a presentation day held in Milton of Leys School, Inverness on Saturday 8 December. Guest speaker at the event was Anthony Finn Chief Executive of GTC Scotland (General Teaching Council of Scotland).

The “Lead On Programme” involves self-directed training in leadership learning and development which ran from September 2011 to December 2012.

The course followed by staff was called "Leadership in a culture of change" and addressed such leadership issues as resistance to change, helps and hindrances to change, support required during the change process and to consider different leadership styles.
The course provided an opportunity for practitioners to reflect on their existing/developing leadership skills in their current position. They had opportunity to work with colleagues to develop and lead a project in their own establishment by reflecting on a number of change models.

Hugh Fraser and Anthony Finn presented GTC Scotland Professional Recognition Awards to 30 staff and Lead On certificates to all participants.

Congratulating staff on their achievements Hugh Fraser said: “This has been an excellent course and all participants have shown huge commitment undertaking this professional development alongside their school work.”

Anthony Finn added: “I was delighted to learn about the excellent projects these talented teachers have taken forward following their participation in the Lead On course. Their initiative, enthusiasm and dedication were very impressive.”

Staff from 45 schools and Area Learning Support Teams in Caithness, Sutherland and East Ross, and Inverness West; Dingwall Education Centre; Education, Culture and Sport Service and Pupil Support Services attended the Lead On Learning Showcase at Milton of Leys.

10 Dec 2012