Kingussie High School closure.

Kingussie High School was closed today (Wednesday) as the result of a loss of power, telephones and heating. The school will remain closed on Thursday and Friday as work continues to rectify the problem.

Power at the school was lost at 11.30 am. The fire and rescue service was called to the school as smoke was detected from power boxes in an area of the school near the social area, which has been sealed off for the past few months as work progresses on a £3.9 million extension to the school.

Pupils were given a sandwich lunch and school transport was arranged to take them home early.

The senior dance scheduled to be held tomorrow (Thursday) has been rearranged for Wednesday 19 December.

A Council spokesman said: “The school will remain closed on Thursday and Friday as work continues to replace electricity wiring and reinstate power.  We will assess the situation on Sunday to see if the school can reopen on Monday and will keep parents and pupils fully advised of the progress being made.”

12 Dec 2012