HMIe Report On Bower Primary School, Caithness

Bower Primary School, Caithness has received a very positive HMIe report following its inspection in November 2005.

The following key strengths were identified:

The 22 pupil-school received special praise for the strong emphasis on improving learning, teaching and attainment through a strong culture of self-evaluation. The overall indicators of quality were either very good or good.  Acting Head Teacher, Rhona Lavery considered this positive report reflected the enthusiasm and commitment of all members of the school community.

The report recommends that the school and education authority should work to improve pupils’ attainment in mathematics; provide pupils with more opportunities to work in a range of groups; and address weaknesses in accommodation. Work on meeting the recommendations has already started.

Ms Lavery said: "We are very pleased with the report and in particular the recognition of the positive ethos in the school. The report reflects the wide diversity of work in the school and the staff’s commitment to achieving high standards of attainment and achievement. I am also pleased that the report recognises that all the staff were recently appointed."

Local Councillor David Flear welcomed the report. He said: "This is a very positive inspection and I am very pleased that the Acting head teacher is building upon the excellent work at the school."


11 Apr 2006