Kicking The Habit - Young People Asked For Their Views

Young people in the Highlands are being asked for their ideas on smoking and the best ways of stopping.

The Stynx peer support smoking cessation project, which operates at 17 secondary schools in the Highlands, is being stepped up as the result of the smoking ban in enclosed areas imposed by The Highland Council from 1 January this year. The ban in Scotland takes effect from 6 am on Sunday 26 March.

Stynx has been running for four years and has set up self-help groups for pupils in secondary schools. Stynx supplies training for pupil and adult leaders, provides resources, session ideas and funds to help towards activities. Pupil leaders are supported, often behind the scenes, by adults including youth workers, the school nurse, community health officers and health teachers.

An evaluation of this work is now underway.

Stynx coordinator Rosanna Proudlock said: "All participating schools have asked and results gathered from designated teachers, youth/community workers, school nurses and senior pupil group leaders. Now we want to gather more teenagers’ opinions about smoking, ideas and their awareness of the Stynx project  through them directly using the Highland Youth Voice internet site."

The debate/forum will go live on the Youth Voice web site today (Tuesday 14th February) -

The views of teenagers (whether they smoke or not) are very important in helping direct the future of this partnership project.

Passwords are available for every pupil in Highland to contribute to the debate on the Highland Youth Voice website. Pupils that don't have their passwords should contact their teacher or Highland Youth Voice.


11 Apr 2006