Public meetings to consult on the reopening of the Stromeferry By-pass

Poster promoting the public meetings (pdf)

The Highland Council will be holding two public meetings next week to consult with local communities on the arrangements to reopen the A 890 Stromeferry Bypass to road users.

The first meeting will take place on Monday 13 February at Achmore Village Hall and the second on Tuesday 14 February at Lochcarron Village Hall.  Both meetings will start at 7pm.

TRAC Engineering Ltd have been awarded the contract to carry out stabilisation works and representatives from the specialist company will be attending the public meetings to give an update on work done to date and give details on how the remaining schedule will be managed.

TRAC are planning to have both day and night shift operations and by the dates of the public meetings, sufficient works will have been undertaken such that more certainty can be given to road opening dates.  The meetings will also allow discussions to be held over initial daytime road opening hours. It is hoped that daytime road opening will commence from the 17 February.  It is envisaged that works will be complete by the 17th March when the road will be fully opened to traffic but this will be dependent on how well the works progress and the nature and profile of the residual rock face.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of the Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee said:  “Our priority is to get vehicles back on the road as soon as is practically possible and so we are looking at a partial reopening of the route while the outstanding work is getting completed.  The public meetings are a good opportunity for people living in the affected communities to let us know their views and preferences on this proposal.”


6 Feb 2012