Kids club youngsters create planters from recycled wood

The kids at the Farr Edge after school club in Bettyhill have been busy doing some serious building work with help from The Highland Council’s North Sutherland Countryside Ranger, Paul Castle.

Re-claimed wood from the recently refurbished balcony at the Seadrift Centre in Caithness was put to good use to build four flower planters. The planters, once painted, will be used to grow flowers or even vegetables and will take pride of place in the Farr Edge grounds.

Paul said: “The timber was perfect for this simple project and really helps the kids understand the importance of recycling materials instead of just sending it to landfill or burning it. The wood became available following recent disabled access improvements at the Seadrift Centre and it was impossible for me to see it just thrown away. The planters should be around for many years to come providing a much needed splash of colour or a tasty treat for the out of school group to enjoy.”

7 Feb 2012