Lochaber Local Access Forum

The Lochaber Local Access Forum is one of six Access Forums established by The Highland Council following the introduction of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act in February 2005.

Chairman Drew MacFarlane Slack explained: "Local Access Forums perform a fundamental role in bringing together different interest groups.  Sharing information and discussing key issues and developing a consensual approach to the resolution of access problems, be they on land or inland water.  It is imperative that we get this right as Lochaber moves forward in establishing itself as the Outdoor Capital of the UK."

The 14-strong Forum brings together the views and interests of users, land managers, community groups and public agencies to advise the Council on meeting its statutory duties under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. 

Access issues discussed by the Forum to date have included obstructive signage, locked gates, defective stiles, wild camping, organised events, exemption orders and access to inland water.

A new feature of the access provisions brought in by the Land Reform Act will be Core Paths. The Highland Council has until February 2008 to produce Core Path Plans to cover the entirety of its area and to submit these Plans to Scottish Executive Ministers for approval. Following approval these plans will subsequently be put into effect. An important role for members of the Forum will be to gather information on access needs and to represent the views of their interest groups in the Core Path Planning process.

While, obviously dependant on the availability of funding, the core paths system should aim to satisfy the basic needs of locals and visitors to get about in everyday life as well as for recreation. The aim is to provide key links to wider path networks as well as to open hill, woods and shores. To achieve this, the core path system is anticipated to comprise a mixture of existing paths and some new paths, which together bring cohesion to the overall path network.

The meetings of the Local Access Forum are open to everyone and all are very welcome to attend. The next meeting of the Lochaber Local Access Forum is in Lochaber House on 23 February 2006 at 7.00pm.


11 Apr 2006