Council appoints two key directors to lead integration project

The Highland Council has confirmed the appointment of the two directors who will lead the integration of services for children across the authority from April.

Bill Alexander, Director of Social Work, has been appointed as the Director of Health and Social Care and Hugh Fraser, Director of Education Culture and Sport, has been appointed to a position with the same title with extended responsibilities.
The Highland Council and NHS Highland are working on ground-breaking plans for the integration of all health and social care services.

The Leader of Highland Council’s Administration, Councillor  Michael Foxley, said: “We have made two key appointments today as these directors will take our plans forward, towards implementation in April. Integration of services for children and adults is going to achieve better services and improved outcomes for individuals, families and communities.  We will take away the institutional barriers that sometimes get in the way of getting services to people.”

Bill Alexander said: “I am delighted to be appointed the Director of Health and Social Care for The Highland Council.  This post has key responsibility for valuable services to vulnerable children and adults, and also to help address crime.  In particular, I look forward to bringing together staff across services for children into a new integrated service.  We have good and improving children’s services in Highland, and these new developments will enable us to be more effective in ensuring that children and families get the services they need, when they need them.”

Bill has been the Director for Social Work in Highland for just over a year.  He was previously Chief Operating Officer, and for ten years he was the Head of Children’s Services.

Hugh Fraser has been Director of Education Culture and Sport since April 2007, having previously served with the Council as Head of Support Services.  He has 23 years service with the Council.

Hugh said: “Integrated services open up great opportunities to provide a co-ordinated service to children and families.  I am delighted to be given the opportunity to lead the Education Culture and Sport Service, whose staff will be key players in providing this improved and extended service.”

10 Feb 2012