Inverness city centre remedial works

The Highland Council has appointed a contractor M.M. Miller Ltd to carry out  remedial works in Inverness city centre over a 6-week contract period. The contractor will commence in Eastgate on Monday (13 February 2012) primarily to resurface an area of defective slabs outside Marks and Spencer’s store.
This work will cost an estimated £25,000 and is met from the area structural maintenance budget.

Separately, the contractor is working on a drainage channel in Baron Taylor's Street, located between Lombard Street and Church Street, which needs to be reset due to a failure of the bedding material. This will require a closure of that section of road for up to 2 weeks, to allow the work to safely and quickly proceed, and this will commence on Monday 20 February 2012. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and every effort will be made to minimise disruption to local businesses and residents. This work is costing £75,000 and is being paid for from retention funds from the streetscape project.
The works have been planned to take advantage of the availability of a suitable contractor and in order to avoid the start of the main tourist season.  It is hoped that there will be minimal disruption to pedestrians, vehicles,  during the period of the contract.
Additional contractors will also be engaged in the coming weeks to carry out separate elements of work, such as repairs to carriageway surfacing, street signs, and painting and other enhancements to street furniture.

10 Feb 2012