HMIe Inspection Report on Lochyside Roman Catholic Primary School

A Very Positive Report by Inspectors for Lochyside Roman Catholic Primary School in Fort William has highlighted the leadership provided by the Head Teacher and identified a number of key strengths including:

The report noted that the school is making very effective use of Curriculum for Excellence to improve its curriculum and the quality of outcomes for all children.  It goes on to highlight that children are learning and achieving very well, both in and beyond the classroom.  They are developing important skills and attributes from participating in a wide variety of clubs and activities out of class.  The valuable contributions from churches, the community and parents greatly enhance children’s learning and promote Catholic values.
The report goes on to highlight that the children gain personal and citizenship skills through a variety of roles including study and reading buddies, charity work, and as members of an extensive range of committees.  The international art project, Room 13, was emphasised as enhancing children’s creative and business skills.  In language and mathematics children are making very positive progress.  The children enjoy reading and are skilful in talking about the techniques that authors use.  At all stages, children are developing a very secure understanding of health and wellbeing.

Children requiring support in their learning are making very good progress.  The specialist support teacher was found to be creative in supporting learners and uses strong and inclusive approaches to supporting dyslexia which have been shared nationally as an example of best practice.  The inspectors also mentioned that classroom assistants are very skilled in supporting individuals and groups.

The report highlighted that the Head Teacher has been very successful in sustaining high standards for learners over time and that her leadership of the school is outstanding.  She is very well supported and respected by staff and parents who are all motivated to achieve the best for children. 
The Inspectors made two recommendations, that the school should continue to build on the very good practice in self-evaluation to ensure continuous improvement in learning and achievement; and that it should develop further procedures to gauge children’s progress across all areas of learning. HMIe are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to provide a very high quality of education in the future and will make no further visits in connection with this inspection.

Commenting on the report Miss Violet Smith, Head Teacher, said: “I am delighted with the inspection report. It highlights the hard work, commitment and dedication of pupils, staff, parents and the wider school community. It acknowledges the impact that our implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence is having on our pupils’ learning. The report also reflects the very positive ethos and the excellent teamwork which is the cornerstone of Lochyside RC Primary School.”

Chair of the Parent Council Mr Geoff Soe-Paing, said: “As Chair of the Parent Council and on behalf of the parents at Lochyside, I am delighted with the outcomes of the recent HMIe Report. I consider the report to be a fair and true evaluation of the strengths of the school, and reflects the hard work and commitment that has been shown by the Head Teacher and her staff over the years. Furthermore I am more than confident that the school will continue its high level of achievement in future in partnership with parents, pupils and the education authority.”


13 Feb 2012