Lochaber ward forums planned for next week

Community Councils and members of the public will get an opportunity to hear about a range of issues being discussed next week at two separate meetings for The Highland Council Ward 22 (Fort William and Ardnamurchan) and Ward 12 (Caol and Mallaig).

A meeting of the Fort William and Ardnamurchan Ward Forum is being held at the Council Chamber, Fort William, on Monday 20 February starting at 6.30pm.  There will be an open discussion about how people can work together to improve the shopping experience on Fort William High Street and to make the outlets more sustainable.  An update on plans by the Council and NHS Highland to integrate adult and children’s services from 1 April through the Programme for Integration Project will be presented at this meeting.

A meeting of Caol and Mallaig Ward Forum is being held on Tuesday 21 February in Kilmallie Hall, starting at 7.30pm. The Scottish Government Ferries Review will be considered.

Both meetings will hear from representatives of Scottish Water and Scottish and Southern about the impact of the recent storms particularly in West Lochaber and measures being put in place to try to prevent a repeat of the problems encountered.  A youth update will be available for both wards following on from the highly successful November meetings which were dedicated to issues and opportunities raised by the young people themselves. 

Community Safety will also be on the agenda for both meetings with representatives of Northern Constabulary being present. 

Both sessions will end with a public Question and Answer session.

14 Feb 2012