Work starts on lifeline West Highland road contract

The Highland Council started work earlier this week on a notorious section of sub-standard lifeline road in Moidart - at Drynie Hill.   During the contract, Monday through to Friday there will be a temporary road closure in place between 10am and 12:25pm and 1.10pm to 3:30 pm to safely carry out vital tree felling and blasting works. The temporary closure is now effectively in place and will last until 4 April 2012 although the works will not be totally complete until June 2012.  Motorists are asked to follow local diversions and the Council apologises for any inconvenience caused.

The works are being partially funded from the European Regional Development Fund.

Councillor Foxley said:  “I am delighted that after many years of exploring opportunities for funding the works have now started.”

Hugh Macpherson from the local Community Council said the road works are a wonderful New Year present for the community who have pressed for this scheme for many years.  He said the upgraded road will help improve access and open up the area for local business and tourists.

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11 Jan 2012