Pupils join Chairman to thank retiring prison worker

At the start of today’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, two senior pupils from Millburn Academy joined the Chairman, Councillor Bill Fernie, to make a presentation to Mr Bob Macdougall from Inverness.

Bob has just retired from his post at Inverness Prison following 32 years’ service. Over this time he has undertaken talks in a number of Highland secondary schools about the hazards of finding yourself on the wrong side of the law.  These talks were nearly always carried out in Bob’s own time without any form of remuneration.

Councillor Bill Fernie said:  “Bob has been totally committed to doing all that he can to help young people in the Highlands avoid the circumstances which could land them in prison.  He has worked on a voluntary basis with a number of schools around Highland and his contribution has been greatly appreciated by school pupils and school staff alike.”

S6 pupils Hannah Bremner and David Hijhit from Millburn Academy then stood up to especially thank Bob for all his work with their school, wished him well in his retirement and then presented him with a Certificate of Achievement.

12 Jan 2012