Public meeting called to discuss Stromeferry Bypass Closure

A public meeting is being held by The Highland Council on Monday night at Lochcarron Village Hall to discuss the measures being planned by the Council to combat the closure of the A 890 Stromeferry Bypass due to the threat of rockfall.

The meeting will begin at 7 pm and will be chaired by Councillor John Laing, Chairman of the Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee.

In attendance will be senior officers of the Council, who will set out the action being taken to get the road back open and the interim measures to provide a link between North and South Strome, using a passenger and a car ferry.
The road has been closed since 22 December, last year, following a number of landslides, 100 yards west of the Avalanche Shelter.

The indication given by the Council is that the road will need to stay closed for another month, while the detail of a major contract is finalised and a contractor is appointed.

A priority action in the contract will be to provide sleepers on the adjacent railway line so that vehicles can be diverted from the road on to the line.
From Monday, the Council will introduce a passenger ferry, the Sula Mhor from Plockton, and the six-car turntable ferry from Glenelg.

The timetable for the ferries will be confirmed tomorrow (Friday).
The Council has stressed that car ferry service has a limited capacity of the equivalent of six cars and a maximum of 12 passengers, including drivers.
Because of the limitations, the service is intended for emergency services and utilities and local people.  A priority ticketing system will be used to manage the service.  Mustering points will be the Car Park at Lochcarron and the approaches to Stromeferry.

Traffic is urged to use the A 82 and the A 87 rather than ferry.

Councillor Laing said: “It is important that we give local residents the chance to hear about the challenges we are facing with the Stromeferry Bypass and the interim measures we are taking to get people moving again.  They will also have a chance to have their say. If there is a demand, we will hold a similar meeting on the south side of the loch.”



12 Jan 2012