Overnight closure of Aberchalder Swing Bridge on Wednesday

The swing bridge on the A 82 Inverness – Fort William road at Aberchalder, near Fort Augustus,  will be closed to all traffic between 9.30 pm on Wednesday 18 January and 6.30 pm on Thursday 19th January 2012 to allow for urgent repairs.
The diversion is via the A87 at Invergarry Junction to A87/A887 Moriston Junction then back to the A82 via the A877 to Invermoriston Junction.
The swing bridge is being lifted up off its supports and this is the reason that no traffic can be permitted over the bridge.
Access to both Towpaths will be available for those private dwellings on the Towpaths.
There will be no parking permitted to view these construction operations.

16 Jan 2012