Council welcomes designation of 3 Highland enterprise zones

The Highland Council has welcomed the Scottish Government's announcement today (17 January) that three locations in the Highlands are being designated as enterprise areas. These locations are Scrabster in Caithness, Nigg,  in Easter Ross and the Inverness campus at Beechwood.

Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council, said: “This is excellent news for the Highlands with both Scrabster and Nigg offering opportunities for the oil and gas and renewables sectors. In addition the campus project provides opportunities for spin-outs from the UHI and for the life science sector given its proximity to the Centre for Health Science and Raigmore Hospital".

Councillor Ian Ross, Chairman of Planning Environmental and Development,  said: “I am particularly pleased that the Scottish Government has said it will work with us to develop the precise boundaries of the Enterprise Areas and am certain this announcement will pave the way for continued sustainable economic growth in the Highlands. The selected locations link well into a number of the key business sectors for our area and will assist in our commitment to economic development across the whole of The Highland Council area.”

17 Jan 2012