Decision on Wind Farm Application

At today’s (Tuesday 17 January) meeting of The Highland Council’s South Planning Application Committee members turned down an application for a 31 turbine wind farm on land at Dunachton, Alvie and Dalraddy Estates to the North West of Kincraig. 

The proposed development, know as Allt Duine, was lodged by RWE Npower Renewables Limited.

This morning Members of the Committee were taken on a site visit before reconvening in Inverness to debate the application.

Following the debate, Vice Chairman and local Councillor Dave Fallows moved an amendment that the Council should object to the application on the grounds of the proximity to the Cairngorm National Park, the significant detriment to the landscape of the Monadhliath mountain range and the emerging Draft Highland Renewable Energy Strategy. 

Councillor Thomas Prag moved an amendment to support the officer recommendation to approve the application.  This was defeated 3 votes to 9.


17 Jan 2012