North West Care Alliance meet with Ward Councillors

On Monday 16th January at Lairg Service Point, the 3 North, West and Central Sutherland Ward Councillors met with Highland Council Social Work Officers and the North West Care Alliance Manager and Treasurer at their regular Ward Business Meeting.

The meeting was at the request of the Highland Council’s Director of Social Work, who had confirmed earlier that The Highland Council wishes the Care Alliance to take the Care at Home contract for North and West Sutherland.

With Social Work Officers present at the meeting, they discussed a number of concerns raised by the Care Alliance over its future and the Care at Home contract. The Care Alliance had asked for further information and clarification from the Social Work Service regarding Home Care provision, such as, budgets, levels of need, staff contracted hours and other specific details that the new contract demands.

The talks were seen as positive and constructive. Further discussions regarding the operational part of the contract took place without the Councillor’s present. As a part of the process and within an agreed timeframe, the Social Work Officers will continue to offer the support necessary, to help the North West Care Alliance in its preparation.

18 Jan 2012