Sharp drop in temperature causes treacherous conditions

The Highland Council has assured the public that priority routes were treated last night and that all available gritters were in operation from 6 am this morning to grit priority routes in response to a forecast of snow and freezing conditions.

A dawn frost of -3.5C resulted in treacherous conditions on many roads and pavements across the Highlands.

A spokesman said: “We experienced rain, slush and snow overnight which was followed at dawn by a sharp drop in temperature. The freezing conditions were forecast and we had a full turn out across the Highlands to pre-grit last night and to grit again from 6 am.  We have a priority system for gritting, focusing on main roads and bus routes, and this was followed as usual this morning.

“The sharp drop in temperature on top of rain/slush is the worst possible condition to treat.  We fully appreciate just how treacherous some roads and pavements were this morning. All we can do is grit as widely as possible and warn the public to be as careful as possible on our pavements and roads.”

Meanwhile, the Council has agreed to form a Working Group of 15 councillors to review the Council’s winter maintenance policy, which was last reviewed in 2003.  

20 Jan 2012