Sandown Design Charrette - 30 January – 2 February 2012

The Highland Council are pleased to announce further details of a design charrette to be held for the Sandown site in Nairn from Monday 30 January to Thursday 2 February 2012. The charrette, which will be facilitated by architects - Ironside Farrar - will take the form of an interactive design workshop which will allow the community, local authority and a wide range of stakeholders to come together to discuss and agree design ideas which will be translated into drawings to develop a masterplan for the site. The event is also fully supported and aided by Scottish Government.

The charrette will commence with a launch evening at 7pm on Monday 30th January at the Courthouse, Nairn which will be chaired by Jim McKinnon, Chief Planner at The Scottish Government. The Convener of the Council, Councillor Sandy Park, will be in attendance alongside the Chairman of the Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee, Councillor Ian Ross. Also in attendance will be Nairn Councillors Provost Laurie Fraser,  Graham Marsden and Liz MacDonald as well as Council and Scottish Government officials.

Following the launch evening, there will be 3 days of topic-based sessions from Tuesday 31 January to Thursday 2nd February during which the Council will welcome any members of the public who wish the attend. The nature of the event allows for people dropping in and out,  participating as little or often as they wish over the course of the 3 days. However, it is hoped that options will have emerged and been determined by close of play on Wednesday 1 February  so early input is encouraged.

The topic-based sessions will run from 10am to 6pm each day.

Convener Sandy Park said: “I am delighted that Jim Mackinnon, the Chief Planner for Scotland, has agreed to chair the opening sessions on Monday 30 January.   I would like to encourage as many Nairn people as possible to attend the process at some point and have their say on this important future development.” 

Full details of the schedule are provided below:

1. CHARRETTE DAY 1 Tuesday 31st January 2012 :  Community Visioning

10.00am – 10.15am  INTRODUCTION - Introducing the Charrette process

10.15am – 11.15am  SESSION 1:  Reviewing Context & Site Assets Reviewing the site and site assets in context

11.15am – 11.30am  COFFEE BREAK Discussion

11.30am – 12.30am SESSION 2:  Reviewing the Design Challenges
Exploring Sensitivities & Capacity for Design Responses

12.30am – 2.00pm LUNCH BREAK

2.00pm  -  3.00pm  SESSION 3: Key Considerations for Site Planning
Land-Use Planning and Site Analysis & Zoning

3.00pm – 3.15pm  COFFEE BREAK Discussion

3.15pm – 4.15pm SESSION 4:  Developing the Vision
Defining a Shared Vision & Exploring Design Principles

Around  4.30pm REVIEW & SUMMARY- Reviewing the outcomes & looking forward

5pm-6pm  Design Surgery. One to one meet the consultants

2.  CHARRETTE DAY 2  WEDNESDAY 1st February 2012 : Designing Sustainable Communities

10.00am – 10.15am  INTRODUCTION
Summary of Day 1 & Key issues for Day2 

10.15am – 11.15am SESSION 5:  Community Infrastructure 
Meeting the Needs of Communities/ Connecting communities (Local Facilities /Education/Allotments)

11.15am – 11.30am  COFFEE BREAK / Discussion

11.30am – 12.30am  SESSION 6:  Urban Form & Creating the Structure
Developing ideas around urban form and structure
Corridors of movement /transport /gateways/ etc

12.30am – 2.00pm LUNCH BREAK

2.00pm  -  3.00pm   SESSION 7: Design Quality & Placemaking
Exploring quality of place, urban design, design of streets
greenspace provision, environmental safeguards, etc 

3.00pm – 3.15pm  COFFEE BREAK Discussion

3.15pm – 4.15pm SESSION 8: Conceptual Plan / Masterplanning 
Creating a broad ‘ideas plan and layout’ & exploring  any appropriate options & feasibility

Around  4.30pm REVIEW & SUMMARY - Reviewing the outcomes & looking forward

5pm-6pm  Design Surgery - One to one meet the consultants

3.  CHARRETTE DAY 3 THURSDAY 2nd February 2012 : Emerging Design Brief

10.00am – 10.15am  INTRODUCTION
Summary of Day 2 & Key issues for Day3 

10.15am – 11.15am  Session 9: Reviewing the Conceptual Plan (s)
Exploring thoughts and ideas on the Concept (s) and seeking agreement on a single concept/layout.

11.15am – 11.30am  COFFEE BREAK / Discussion

11.30am – 12.30am SESSION 10:  Developing  the Concept
Developing the Concept & adding  Detail and Defining Quality Elements

12.30am – 2.00pm LUNCH BREAK

2.00pm  -  3.00pm  SESSION 11:  Promoting Sustainable Choices & Living. Reviewing opportunity to enhance adaptability, add new thinking and provide support for sustainable lifestyles

3.00pm – 3.15pm  COFFEE BREAK/ Discussion

3.15pm – 4.15pm SESSION 12:  Outcomes to inform Design Brief
Reviewing Design Outcomes and noting any qualifications / further studies and information needs

Around  4.30pm REVIEW & SUMMARY- Drawing together the outputs and design thoughts.

Final Reporting  Conclusion  & advising on Next Steps & Way Forward


23 Jan 2012