Christmas preparations with the Great Glen rangers

Young folk are being urged to bring a parent or relative and drop into Fort Augustus Memorial Hall from 10:30am till 2:30pm where they can join the Rangers and make Christmas wreaths and cards.

Lynda Dodd, Great Glen Way Manager said: "Christmas decorations made from natural materials not only look beautiful but are recyclable. Much of the traditions of Christmas have been passed down through the generations and we hope to inspire and instil ideas that will bring some festive cheer to the community."

This event is part of a programme of activities organised by the Great Glen Way Rangers throughout then year.

To book a place at "Winter Celebration and Nature’s Decorations" please contact the Great Glen Way Rangers on tel: 01320 366 633 or email: Please bring old Christmas cards to get crafty with.

The management and maintenance of the Great Glen Way route and rangers is undertaken by The Highland Council, with grant assistance from Scottish Natural Heritage; the European Regional Development Fund, through the Highlands and Islands Partnership (EAGGF) Objective One Programme; Inverness & Nairn Enterprise, and Lochaber Enterprise with 'in kind' contributions from Forest Enterprise and the British Waterways Board.

For further information please contact: Lynda Dodd, Great Glen Way Manager, The Highland Council, Planning and Development Service, Woodlands, Fort Augustus (01320) 366633

18 Apr 2006