Woodland event for fearless families

A woodland event for fearless families will take place in Anagach Woods at Grantown-on-Spey on Wednesday 11 July.

The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers are inviting people to come on a special dragon walk to hunt for these mythical creatures, following tracking signs along the way through the woods.

Dragonologist and Countryside Ranger, Saranne Bish said: “Do dragons really exist? There’s only one way to find out.  Be brave and join us on the dragon trail. We will be looking out for the very distinctive tracks and signs of these elusive and fascinating creatures. As this is the dragon breeding season we may even find signs of a dragon’s nest but we must stick together and never leave the path as they can be very aggressive at this time of year!”

The event will run from 2pm-4pm and booking is essential so to book a place and get more details on where to meet up please call 01479 873 914. The cost for adults is £3 and £2 for children/concessions. 

This event is part of The Highland Council’s annual programme of Countryside Ranger events which can be found on the Council’s website at: http://www.highland.gov.uk/countrysiderangerevents.htm. The aim of the Countryside Rangers is to promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and to conserve wildlife.

3 Jul 2012