Safer Play For Balloch Nursery Pupils

Pupils at Balloch pre-school nursery went out to play this week in a new improved play area.

Specialist contractors have recently installed a £5,000 bright green safety surface to cover the hard play ground area. The 30 pupils who attend pre-school nursery at Balloch Primary School both in morning and afternoon classes will now be able to play out of doors in safety.

Head Teacher at Balloch Primary School, Christine Scott said: "The Care Commission and HM Inspectorate of Education inspectors reported in November last year that the surface of our enclosed play area was not safe.

"We have been aware of the need for a bouncy play surface for some time but until now we have had to use rubber mats. I am delighted that a joint effort to raise funds between the PTA, the school and local Councillor Robert Wynd has enabled us to provide a new surface for the play area."

Local Highland Councillor Robert Wynd said: "It is very important for young children who are learning loads of news skills in preparation for Primary School to be able to develop not just mental and social but also their physical skills. I am very pleased that I have been able to support Balloch Primary school with funding from my discretionary budget towards the cost of the new play safety surface."

Lorna Green, Chair of the Balloch PTA said: "We raised funds through an active sponsored bounce. I am very pleased that every pupil at school was involved by getting their parents, relatives and friends to sponsor them for the number of bounces that they could achieve on a bouncy castle. I would like to thank everyone for their generosity which has allowed us to support the purchase of the new nursery play surface."


11 Apr 2006