Linda’s new role as Champions’ Co-ordinator and Children’s Champion

The Highland Council has appointed Councillor Linda Munro from North West and Central Sutherland, to the new role of Champions’ Co-ordinator and Children’s Champion.

The Council’s Administration intends to appoint other champions  – such as for carers and for older people – and Councillor Munro will have a co-ordinating role in promoting support for these important areas of work. She will also take the lead role in promoting children’s interests, issues, needs and rights and ensuring these are taken into account in all decisions made by the council.

Council Leader Drew Hendry said: “We have created this new co-ordinating role in recognition of the importance of having champions in key areas of work.  Linda has a real interest across all the areas we have identified. We hope to identify the other champions in the near future.”

In her role as Childen’s Champion, Councillor  Munro will liaise with the Youth Convener, Youth Voice, Youth Forums and Pupil Councils to ensure their work is supported, and that their concerns, views and opinions are taken account in strategic, governance and decision-making processes.

She said:  “The new appointment demonstrates the Council’s commitment to children’s issues and  the continued implementation of key national and local policy drivers, Getting it right for every child, the Early Years Framework and Curriculum for Excellence. It is a privilege to take up this position and I look forward very much to making sure the voices of young people are listened to and their views and opinions are taken into account. Young people have a positive contribution to make so we want to ensure that they all have the best opportunities to achieve their potential and I personally want to see the barriers to them getting involved and having an input into the work of the Council come down.”
As part of her role, Councillor Munro will represent the Council at partnership and national forums that consider children’s issues and will liaise with Scotland’s Children’s Commissioner.

The Highland Youth Convener Stuart Davidson welcomed the appointment.  He said:  “The role of a dedicated Children’s Champion is a great asset to the Council and I have no doubt that Councillor Munro will excel in her role to represent the voices of Highland’s young people. I look forward to working with her.”


1 Jun 2012