Cabinet Secretary addresses Highland education seminar

Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell MSP was guest speaker at a “16+ Learning Choices Seminar” held, in the Highland Council’s headquarters, Inverness today at which around 100 delegates attended.

Delegates represented charities and the third sector, tourism, business and commerce, construction industries, energy and renewables and the public and education sectors.

Welcoming the Cabinet Secretary to the Highlands, Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Drew Hendry said: “Young people are arguably our most precious resource and the support we can provide can make a real difference. It was great to be able to welcome the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary, Mike Russell to discuss initiatives for our young people. There is much we can work to achieve together.”

The conference aimed to reinforce existing partnership working between the Council’s education service and the business sector and to inform partners of a sustainable Highland 16+ Action Plan that will link all partners reflecting their individual contributions. 

Moira Forsyth, Highland Council’s Lead Officer More Choices, More Chances said: “In practical terms the things we want to continue and to develop further through the actions plan include: the provision of university level courses for S5 and S6 students; vocational options open to all school pupils through Skills for Work; the Bridge to Employment Programme rolled out with other businesses; and the continuation of Activity Agreements which provide tailored support that engage the young people who are most vulnerable such as care leavers, those with Additional Support Needs, and many others.”

7 Jun 2012