Possible temporary loss of telephone services - Killilan, Glenshiel and Ardvasar

As part of its ongoing recovery work to repair telephone services in the Killilan, Glenshiel and Ardvasar areas BT have advised that customers "may" experience a temporary loss of phone services, including 999, between 23.59 tonight and 0600 tomorrow morning (13 June 2012).

However, the loss to services may only affect customers for up to 10 minutes at various locations between those hours as BT carry out essential repair work.
It is not anticipated that there will be any loss in relation to mobile coverage in areas with mobile reception and 999 calls can still be made during these times.

BT will have emergency response vehicles equipped with satellite telephones in Killilan, Glenshiel and Ardvasar between these times in terms of reassurance.


12 Jun 2012