Popular city play park re-opens

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In time for the summer season, locals and visitors to Inverness will be able to enjoy outdoor fun at the ever popular Whin Park play area as new and upgraded facilities are opened to the public this week.

Whin Park play area, Inverness has re-opened after a total £108,400 investment in play equipment by The Highland Council which included a major contribution of £80,000 from Inverness’s Common Good Fund. Inverness West Ward Councillors also allocated £8,000 of Ward Discretionary funding towards the improvements.

Visitors to the park can experience the new equipment including an upgraded teen area which includes dynamic and energetic items, enhanced facilities for toddlers and juniors, as well as a new fitness area, and improved seating throughout the park. Works were awarded to two suppliers, HAGS Play Ltd and Sutcliffe Play (Scotland) Ltd after a competitive tendering exercise.

As the Park is a major facility benefitting both locals and visitors alike, the Inverness Central, Millburn, Ness-side, South and Culloden & Ardersier Council Wards  also provided funds to supplement the commitment from the Inverness Common Good Fund.

Convener of The Highland Council Councillor Jimmy Gray and members of the Inverness West Ward, Councillors Allan Duffy, Alex Graham, and Graham Ross inspected the newly re-opened park today.

Welcoming the re-opening Councillor Gray said: “Whin Park is our jewel in the crown for children and families in the area. Generations of families have brought their children and grandchildren to Whin Park and we hope that generations more will be able to benefit from the Council’s investments into this important outdoor amenity.”

Inverness West Ward Councillors Allan Duffy, Alex Graham, and Graham Ross added: "We are delighted with these improvements which were part funded from West Ward discretionary budget and contributions from other City wards. We particularly appreciate the £80,000 from Inverness Common Good Fund that made it possible."

"The upgraded play area will be greatly appreciated by local area residents as well as those elsewhere in the City, and will help attract visitors to our Inverness at a difficult economic time."

The upgrades at Whin Park followed a quarter of a million pounds investment in local parks throughout the Inverness area last year.

18 Jun 2012