Council target holiday homes avoiding payment for their waste collection services

In February this year, The Highland Council wrote to the owners of around 1,650 non-domestic rated (NDR) holiday home properties in all areas of the Highlands with the exception of Inverness and Sutherland advising them of their legal obligations under the Environmental Protection Act and associated Duty of Care Regulations to have in place a waste collection contract for dealing with the waste generated from their businesses. It advised that if there was no response to the letter by early March then the collection service would cease.

Just over half of the owners responded to the letter. After giving a further two months for replies to come in, the Council will now be stopping the service to those properties where no response has been received. Stickers with the text “‘The Highland Council has not emptied your bin because our records show you do not have a current commercial waste collection contract with us- no contract, no uplift” will be attached to any bins presented for collection that do not have a current collection contract in place.

All non-domestic rated premises require to pay for their waste collection service and to have in place what is known as a “waste transfer note” specifying what waste they produce; which registered waste carrier collects that waste and which licenced waste disposal / treatment facility is used for the disposal/treatment of the waste. Failure to have this documentation in place is a breach of the Regulations.

The Council on its part has a duty to have such documentation in place if it is collecting commercial waste from any premise. It is also tasked with recovering the costs of any commercial waste collection service that it provides.

The same action will be taken with the non-domestic rated properties in Inverness and Sutherland areas later this year and for any commercial businesses throughout the Highlands who are found to be illegally obtaining a collection service from the Council or are illegally disposing of their commercial waste in the litterbins or at the recycling centres.

19 Jun 2012