The Provision Of Early Learning In Ross And Cromarty

Following a review of early learning facilities in Ross and Cromarty, Councillors at today’s Area Committee were asked to consider the future of two early learning facilities - the Rainbow Partner Centre in Saltburn and the Avoch Partner Centre.

In a presentation to Members, Area Education Manager John Ritchie explained that budget savings of £80,000 had to be found from the area’s early learning budget and that if Councillors agreed to withdraw funding from these two facilities, the savings would represent around 25% of the total needed to be found. He went on to add that there were complex issues surrounding pre-school education and the reports presented today had generated strong feelings and tensions in both communities

The Joint Committee on Children, Young People and Families commissioned a review of Early Learning Services in January 2004 to identify gaps, duplication and over provision. Across the Highlands there are 70 more Early Learning Centres than there are primary schools. Both the Centres being considered today were identified as showing a surplus number of places available and having alternative nearby facilities that children could be sent to.

The Committee were first asked to make a decision about the Rainbow Partner Centre in Saltburn. Following a debate, they voted 7 to 6 in favour of withdrawing funding from the Centre.

The Committee then went on to consider the Avoch Partnership Centre. Following a debate they voted 9 to 4 in favour of retaining the status quo pending a subsequent paper detailing all available savings.

The Committee noted that further measures will be required to address the Early Education budget gap in Ross and Cromarty.

11 Apr 2006