Community Council nomination deadline

4 pm on Wednesday (27 June) is the deadline for candidates to return their election nomination forms for round 3 of the forthcoming Community Council elections, which involve those which are currently unformed.

Nominations are invited from persons seeking election as members of Community Councils in Wards 2/4:  Caithness West (10 members); Ward 11: Uig (8 members); Ward 12: Caol (9 members); Ward 15: Inverness Central (8 members); Ward 21: Aviemore and Vicinity (9 members); Laggan (8 members).

The new scheme also allows people aged 16 to seek election and also to vote in the election.  The deadline for 16 and 17 year olds requesting to be included on the register is Friday (29 June).

Nominations forms are available from the home page of The Highland Council’s web site: /yourcouncil/elections/communitycouncils/nominationpack2.htm. They can also be obtained from any Council Service Point, or by contacting the Council Service Centre on 01349 886606.

20 Jun 2012