New care partnership group formed in Caithness

Caithness District Partnership will meet for the first time on Tuesday 26 June, as part of new arrangements under the Integrating Care in the Highlands partnership between NHS Highland and The Highland Council.
The new District Partnership, which will meet in public, will identify key local issues and priorities for children and adults in Caithness that can be better delivered through joint working between partners at local level, including NHS Highland, Highland Council, Voluntary and Independent providers and local communities.  In attendance will be Highland Council Elected Members from the Caithness Wards, an NHS Board member, officials from some statutory agencies, plus a representative from the voluntary and independent sectors.
The partnership will deliver positive solutions for the people of Caithness within the overall Health and Social Care framework. The first meeting will outline how business will be conducted and will highlight some of the key issues that need to addressed going forward.
The meeting takes place at the Pulteneytown Peoples Project Community Centre at 2pm.


20 Jun 2012